Saturday, January 10, 2009

Marketing Yourself

Marketing Yourself

You are not unskilled, okay? Think of yourself as a product that a marketing firm is taking on as a client -- stand back and look objectively at everything you do for the world – your family, house, church, community, yard, even your pets.

Don’t edit, just free-flow; make a list of what you’re good at, what you most enjoy doing. Don’t be modest, be marketing firm objective about your client, yourself.

Marketing analysis for instance:
This 50-year old man has a 20 year history of solid employee traits –
dependable, resourceful, creative.
He’s the official photographer for his kid’s activities and always volunteers his skills for family weddings and events….

While performing your marketing analysis, keep in mind that the Internet makes dreams possible now that weren’t when you were a rash, crazy kid. Why shouldn’t you be able to sell your photography online? If creating a marketing website seems beyond you, then start with tutorials on how to sell on ebay.

Marketing, say, original photography, art, handmade crafts, to the entire planet is suddenly quite possible.

Marketing Mantra to Live By:

When life hands you a lemon, create an ebay marketing plan that hypes lemon interest to the point of hysteria.

For help with marketing and direct mail for franchises click for more information.

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